Thursday, June 28, 2012

DMV.....why are you so sad?

This week I had to suck it up and finally go out and get my drivers license. :( Don't tell the po-po but I should have done it before my Bday last week, but due to life and my many excuses why I couldn't get it done, I avoided it for a week (sinister laugh). Sadly though my luck ran out and I got pulled over yesterday for speeding, even though I rarely speed, and was quickly reminded to renew my license. Needless to say I HAD to go to the DMV.

Someone tell me why the DMV is such a depressing place? The people that work there all look sad, or bored, or whatever. They are not cheery. They ask questions quickly and no matter the answer they seem annoyed at the answer. The people coming to the DMV are hoping to be finished with whatever task quickly, which never happens and always ends in disappointment. And that is just the people. The DMV is an ugly place. Ugly tile, everything is gray or tan. There is no music.....just silence....silence broken by a computer voice announcing which # needs to go to which counter#, funny this is that even in crappy restaurants there is some type of music. And then there is the waiting area which is in the middle of a large room, cold, just chairs randomly lined up like an elementary assembly, oh and the chairs are gray.

Then there is the information you need to prove you are who you are and that you need what you need. To renew your drivers license in Utah you need: proof of SS, 2 forms showing your currant address, your birth certificate, and your expired license. All these requirements made me what to renew my license even less...childish I know but hey it is so annoying for someone who is only mildly organized to find all this stuff. :)

So I was thinking, while I sat in the horribly depressing DMV, I think there should be 2 DMV's in each county. The sad DMV, and the fun DMV. We all know what the sad DMV is like. The fun DMV would be awesome. To start music.....anything peppy and upbeat.  Then the chairs would be colorful and set up less clinical. Color everywhere like a fun coffee shop. And while we are at it coffee, and drinks for everyone. The staff would be friendly and glad to be working and the fun DMV. That way while you are stuck waiting it would be enjoyable. Ok. I guess I will stop with this silliness.
You cant always get what you want.

Anyways....if you have to go the Washington county DMV anytime soon prepare for a dose of sadness.

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